Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries services offered in Atlantis, Boynton Beach and Wellington, FL

Sports injuries include ligament sprains, tendon strains, and cartilage damage that can severely affect an athlete’s mobility. If you suffer a sports injury, visit interventional spine and pain specialist Gabriel Mattei, MD. At his offices in Atlantis, Boynton Beach, and Wellington, Florida, Dr. Mattei offers innovative treatments that help you heal more quickly and return to competition sooner. Call the Gabriel Mattei, MD, office nearest you or schedule a sports injury evaluation online today.

Sports Injuries Q&A

What are sports injuries?

Sports injuries occur if tissues and joints come under excessive strain beyond their limits. For example, diving to return a tennis ball could push a knee ligament too far, overstretching it. Falls and collisions can break bones, dislocate joints, and stretch connective tissues.

You don’t have to be a competitive athlete to develop these injuries. They’re common during workouts, when pursuing other physically active hobbies, and in auto and workplace accidents.

What sports injuries are most common?

Sports injuries Dr. Mattei often diagnoses include:

Tendon strains

Tendons attach your muscles to bones. Strains are injuries where the tissue stretches too far or ruptures (completely detaches from the bone).

Ligament sprains

Sprains damage the ligaments connecting bones in your joints. A rupture could stop you from using the affected area.


Tendinitis is most often an overuse injury that comes on slowly after you repeatedly make the same movements for long periods. Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) and medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow) are common types of tendinitis.

Cartilage injuries

Cartilage protects and cushions joints. The labrum in your shoulder and hip joint sockets and the wedge-shaped meniscus in your knee can tear. Articular cartilage (the smooth, slippery coating on the ends of your bones) can also suffer from damage and wear.

Low back injuries

The lower (lumbar) spine is vulnerable to injuries that could cause nerve compression, resulting in sciatica (lumbar radiculopathy). Sciatica pain travels along the nerve’s path from the lower spine through the buttock and leg.

What treatment might my sports injury require?

Sports injury treatments usually begin with applying ice packs and/or heat, resting the affected area, and using braces, splints, or other support devices.

Physical therapy can be invaluable for helping sports injuries heal without losing function. Anti-inflammatory medication can help control pain and swelling.

If you need more advanced interventions for your sports injuries, options Dr. Mattei offers include:

  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Facet joint injections
  • Lumbar nerve blocks (local anesthetic injections)
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy
  • Radiofrequency ablation
  • Spinal cord stimulation
  • Minimally invasive lumbar decompression (mild®)

Learning how to avoid injuries is also important. Using correct techniques, warming up and down properly, and not exceeding your fitness levels are all vital to keep you uninjured.

Call Gabriel Mattei, MD, to learn more about expert sports injury diagnosis and treatment, or book an appointment online today.