Low Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain services offered in Atlantis, Boynton Beach and Wellington, FL

Lower back pain affects people of all ages and activity levels, from young athletes to seniors. If you develop back pain that doesn’t go away, visit experienced interventional spine and pain specialist Gabriel Mattei, MD. Dr. Mattei offers innovative, minimally invasive treatments that improve and resolve the most persistent lower back pain at his offices in Atlantis, Boynton Beach, and Wellington, Florida. Call the Gabriel Mattei, MD, office nearest you to learn more about back pain treatments, or schedule a consultation online today.

Lower Back Pain Q&A

What causes lower back pain?

Lower back pain is among the most common medical complaints, causing widespread discomfort and distress.

Acute injuries like muscle strains cause sudden pain, usually when you’re involved in a physical activity like playing sports or lifting. You could also develop lower back pain because of a poor posture that overloads parts of your spine.

Some of the most troublesome back problems cause chronic pain lasting months or years.

Why do I have chronic lower back pain?

Patients with osteoporosis are vulnerable to vertebral compression fractures because their bones are weak and brittle. Spinal stenosis develops when tissue or bone narrows the spinal canal, restricting movement and causing spinal nerve compression.

Osteoarthritis, where years of wear-and-tear affect the spinal structures, is a leading cause of spinal stenosis. Bone spurs can also develop, and ligaments thicken, further restricting spinal canal space.

Herniated discs, where the soft core pushes through the tough outer layer, can trigger nerve compression. They may result from acute injuries or degenerative disc disease — age-related changes that make the discs flatter and harder.

Sciatic nerve compression in the lower spine causes sciatica (lumbar radiculopathy), sending electric shock-like pain down one leg. Other possible lower back pain causes include scoliosis, where the spine has an abnormal curvature.

How does my doctor diagnose low back pain?

Diagnosing lower back pain accurately ensures you get the most effective treatment. Dr. Mattei performs a thorough physical exam, checking the location and severity of your pain. He asks how the pain started and assesses its impact on your movement.

Dr. Mattei has X-ray and MRI diagnostic technologies on-site for your convenience. You might need one or both procedures to evaluate the damage more thoroughly.

What treatments can help my lower back pain?

Dr. Mattei typically uses conservative treatments like physical therapy, medication, and activity modification initially because they’re safe, work well for many people, and are cost-effective.

If these approaches don’t succeed, you might benefit from advanced interventions such as:

  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Facet joint injections
  • Lumbar nerve blocks (local anesthetic injections)
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy
  • Radiofrequency ablation
  • Minimally invasive lumbar decompression (mild®)
  • Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty for vertebral compression fractures
  • Spinal cord stimulation

Dr. Mattei recommends the most appropriate treatment based on your condition, its severity, and factors such as your age and general health.

Call Gabriel Mattei, MD, today or book an appointment online for effective, nonsurgical lower back pain treatment.