Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc services offered in Atlantis, Boynton Beach and Wellington, FL

A herniated disc can cause significant pain and prevent you from enjoying everyday routines. Interventional spine and pain specialist Gabriel Mattei, MD, helps patients find lasting relief from herniated discs at his Atlantis, Boynton Beach, and Wellington, Florida, offices. When you’re ready to explore treatment options, call the office or request an appointment online.

Herniated Disc Q&A

How does a herniated disc develop?

The bones that make up your spine are cushioned by small, soft, gel-like discs. A herniated disc develops when the tough exterior casing of one of these spinal discs becomes injured or torn. That allows the soft, jelly-like interior to push through. Most herniated discs develop in the lumbar spine, but they can happen in any of your vertebrae.

These discs act as shock absorbers, protecting your bones and facilitating mobility. When a disc herniates, it begins pressing on spinal nerves, causing a range of uncomfortable and disruptive symptoms

In some cases, symptoms caused by a herniated disc improve up on their own within a matter of weeks. However, when they don’t, it could mean that the damage is more extensive. 

What are some signs I might have a herniated disc?

Herniated discs don’t always create clear symptoms, so you might not notice any changes. When symptoms are present, they can include:

  • Numbness in your hands, feet, or legs
  • Pain in specific areas (such as your back, legs, hands, or feet)
  • Burning or tingling sensations
  • Neck stiffness
  • Oversensitive reflexes
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle spasms

Herniated disc pain generally worsens when standing or making fast movements, and eases off when lying down.

What are some treatment options for herniated discs?

A herniated disc can heal on its own, but most cases require medical intervention. Dr. Mattei begins with a thorough evaluation and examination, including diagnostic imaging like X-rays or an MRI scan.

Once he reaches a precise diagnosis, Dr. Mattei explains treatment options that can help relieve your symptoms. These might include:

  • Nonaddictive pain medications
  • Plenty of rest
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Cold compresses or ice packs
  • Physical therapy

Epidural spinal injections of corticosteroids can help reduce pain and inflammation caused by herniated discs. If these conservative approaches fail to deliver optimal results, surgical intervention might be the best option for treating a herniated disc. 

To effectively resolve your back or neck pain, call the office of Gabriel Mattei, MD, to schedule an appointment. You can also request to be seen using the easy online booking tool today.