Minimally-Invasive Procedures

Minimally-Invasive Procedures

Minimally-Invasive Procedures services offered in Atlantis, Boynton Beach and Wellington, FL

A minimally invasive procedure could be the answer if conservative treatments don’t improve your musculoskeletal pain. Interventional spine and pain expert Gabriel Mattei, MD, performs these procedures at his Atlantis, Boynton Beach, and Wellington, Florida, offices. He offers radiofrequency ablation, spinal cord stimulation, and other innovative treatments. Call the Gabriel Mattei, MD, office nearest you or book an appointment online today to learn more about benefiting from minimally invasive procedures.

Minimally-Invasive Procedures Q&A

What are minimally invasive procedures?

Minimally invasive procedures use techniques that limit tissue damage, cause little pain, and generally don’t require a hospital stay.

Many surgeons use minimally invasive methods now, accessing the body through small incisions called ports and using endoscopic instruments to view the interior tissues.

The techniques interventional pain management experts use are even less invasive, typically requiring an injection or tiny entry hole.

When might I need a minimally invasive procedure?

Minimally invasive procedures can treat many conditions, including:

  • Sciatica
  • Herniated discs
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Vertebral compression fractures
  • Arthritis
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  • Chronic back or neck pain
  • Sports injuries

Most patients with pain conditions don’t need minimally invasive procedures because conservative, noninvasive treatments are sufficient. Physical therapy, medication, activity modification, and injections for more persistent pain are often all patients need.

However, Dr. Mattei might recommend a minimally invasive procedure if your pain doesn’t improve despite these treatments.

What minimally invasive procedures are available?

Minimally invasive procedures Dr. Mattei performs include:

Radiofrequency ablation

Radiofrequency ablation uses energy waves to destroy nerve endings in the spine and large joints. Dr. Mattei inserts electrodes that heat and deaden nerve tissue.

Minimally invasive lumbar decompression (mild®)

Using a special instrument, the mild procedure removes bone and tissue from the lower (lumbar) spine to relieve nerve pressure and pain.


Spinal cord stimulation procedures involve implanting a pulse generator unit under your skin that attaches to the spinal nerves via electrodes. You control the device remotely, increasing signal strength to combat pain originating in the spine. 

Peripheral nerve stimulation does the same thing but connects to nerve clusters, controlling other parts of the body.

Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty

Vertebroplasty injects bone cement into vertebrae that have collapsed because of osteoporosis. Kyphoplasty also injects bone cement, but first, Dr. Mattei inflates a tiny balloon in the vertebra to raise the fractured bone.

How does my doctor perform minimally invasive procedures?

Dr. Mattei first numbs the area with a local anesthetic so you feel no pain. He uses imaging technology such as fluoroscopy (moving X-ray) to view the inside tissues. That ensures he inserts the needle or cannula (slim, flexible tube) accurately to avoid unnecessary damage.

Call Gabriel Mattei, MD, today or book an appointment online to learn more about minimally invasive procedures that help with persistent pain.